IT'S A MUST SEE LARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets all take some time to stand here in the Old Town Market Place and reflect on the history of this city.
Wandering through the streets in Warsaw, Poland it was always in the back of my mind all the history and despair that these cities and the people have gone through. It's heartbreaking just thinking that these aren't even the same buildings that once stood in this place. This sqaure was planned in the late 13th century and these buildings are only from 1948-1953.
In 1945, after the bombing, the revolts, the fighting, and the demolition of WW II had ended, most of Warsaw lay in ruins.
So on this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend lets all take the time to reflect and give thanks for everything you have in life. Because life is to short to let pass you by.
Again this is straight out of the camera, no HDR or Digital blending whatsoever. Just some minor tweaks in Camera RAW.
+++ Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Canadians, I hope everyone
gets fat and has a good time! +++
See exactly where this picture was taken. [?]
Beautiful pictures! Looking forward to viewing some more....