First: Please see it LARGE!!
As we say goodbye to the Czech Republic, it's now time to welcome you all on the next stop on my tour around Europe. We're heading north towards Poland. This is the Old town of Warsaw (Warszawa).
Laurie and I spent only one day in this the capitol and largest city in Poland, but from what we saw we both loved it, it was enchanting to say the least. The city was so clean and colourful. There was history and incredible architecture around each corner, exactly what I enjoy! =)
This is a photograph of a lovely scene from the Castle Square in the Historic Centre of Warsaw which was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. This is one of two stunning squares I will take you to on this tour of Warsaw and Poland.
During the Warsaw uprising during WWII over 85% of the old town was destroyed, but a tireless 5 years of reconstruction has made this city what it once was so we can now all appreciate it's splendor. I hope you enjoy the views.
Would you like to ride carriage on this tour?
See exactly where this picture was taken. [?]